Leo Daily Forecast

If other people start driving you crazy today, try to see the friction they’re causing in your life as amusing instead of frustrating. It might be hard at first, but once you get the hang of it, you’ll actually enjoy encountering that blowhard at the office, the “too cool for school” barista, or that downright rude neighbor. Just see them as funny or odd people who just don’t have the social skills you have and you can turn your aggravation into laughter.
That ew activity with new people looks good. Just do a little homework to find the right place, so it (and you) look great. Later, try participation instead of mere observation.
Family issues could pop up today, so you might need to deal with your own people. Otherwise, relatives could complicate your partner’s life. Stay close in case you need to hold their hand.
The customer is always right may sound old fashioned, but it may be a business rule of thumb whose time has come again. You can’t charm your way into the money these days, so provide an excellent product instead.