Leo Daily Forecast

You’ve never been known to wait to buy something until it was on sale. Basically, you’ll head out to get what you want the moment you set your sights on it and not a second later. So if a certain someone out there in the world has been on your mind lately but lives more than a hop, skip, and a jump away, you won’t be willing to let a pesky thing like thousands of miles get in the way. Good for you. Get on a plane!
If you think you’re picking up on something, you probably are. Your perception is particularly sharp, so trust yourself if you sense romantic interest from a friend or acquaintance, or vice versa!
Make sure to eat at least one meal together. There’s no substitute for that kind of bonding. You’re feeling good enough that you may offer to cook. If so, things should go quite well.
Bleak thoughts aren’t getting you out of the hole you’re in. In fact, they’re downright unhealthy. But you know your attitude is not really at the mercy of your finances. You’ll do something to get both in a better state.