Daily Forecast Libra 01-04


Libra Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

Unbelievable as it may seem, you’re actually tired of keeping a secret, mostly because you want the world to know that you and a certain someone have something good going on. Furtive glances and clandestine trysts usually add to the appeal for you, but that’s not the case now. If you’re sick of it, stand your ground.

Singles Lovescope

Your dream date seems so far away from reality it’s astounding. But you’re really not so far off the mark. A sliver of optimism will shine through the darkest hour today, giving your the opportunity to ask that person out. Don’t miss this chance!

Couple Lovescope

The writing’s on the wall, but you and your partner feel like it might as well be in a different language. Maybe you’re not supposed to understand it all right away. Let it sink in, and watch how it applies to your unfolding romance.


If you feel like you’ve been hiding in a cave, it’s because you have been spending so much time ruminating over your failures. It’s time to get out and start socializing again. Your friends can help you see yourself the way they see you, which is a much nicer portrait than the one you’ve been painting.


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