Daily Forecast Libra 01-17


Libra Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

You can expect the feverish pace of your life to slow down quite a bit, and not a moment too soon! This throttling down is going to happen organically, and it will offer you the chance to recharge your drained batteries. You can look forward to letting the craziness of the world pass you by you while you kick back and relax with the friends who know how to help you unwind. The forecast is for sunnier, more social times ahead.

Singles Lovescope

This is a terrific time to explore new options. The responses you get are likely to be good. Put out feelers to test a situation, then dive right in. No one you’re interested in can resist you right now!

Couple Lovescope

You can’t seem to stop talking today, even if there’s a big surprise you’re trying to keep from your sweetie. Do your best to avoid spilling the beans, but have a backup plan in case you do anyway.


Some things you can’t rush through, like a huge meal or compounded interest. Once you overcome initial tension, you’ll find the day has plenty of value.


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