Libra Daily Forecast
You know all about pushing the envelope, making waves, and all those crazy things you hear other people doing. When it comes to doing those things yourself, however, you’re not the type. You’d much rather take what comes and deal with it. At the moment, however, the Universe is pushing on your behalf, and putting you close to many incidents you’d never have provoked. It’s okay. Sit tight and cooperate. That’s all you’re being asked to do. That, and solemnly promise to enjoy yourself.
You’ve got the power to make a person feel like they’re your entire focus even when you’re not alone. It’s this kind of energy that can make for some serious chemistry!
You both feel a stronger connection than ever before, and some measure of intellectual energy is binding you together. Ask for assistance if you need it, but there’s nothing to worry about.
You don’t mind being the underdog. In fact, there’s virtue in the role you never knew about before. It’s a lot easier to have integrity and character when you’re not grappling with things like temptation and greed. Don’t be too happy about it, though. You definitely want to move up the ladder, and soon.