Libra Daily Forecast
You deserve a break from all the heavy analytical thinking you’ve been doing. Instead, step back from the arguments and issues and let everyone else deal with the headaches for a while. You’ve paid your dues and put your fair share of energy into the problem. This is a day when you should focus on doing some fun things. You’ll find playing with children especially rewarding right now. There’s something about their imaginative energy that invigorates you.
Are you still in a knot over someone’s thoughtlessness? Passive-aggressive behavior won’t get you where you want to go with this person. Be an adult and either speak up or figure out a way to move on.
Be as clear as you can when you’re talking with your partner today. It will be easy for you to be misunderstood otherwise. If you catch them reading you wrong, set them straight right away.
Someone is scheming for your money, although they’re not obvious about it. If their plans don’t go well it won’t be because they get busted, at least not by you. Keep your eyes open and be more wary of others than you’re used to being.