Pisces Daily Forecast
Get ready for some unexpected excitement to hit you today. The odd part is you might not even be able to identify what it is that you’re so excited about! Nevertheless, this day could find you buzzing with positive energy and happy with anticipation of something or someone. Your instincts are getting ahead of your brain, and they’re sensing things that haven’t even happened. Yet. In a way, you’re sensing your future, and it’s going to be a happy one!
You’re very objective now when it comes to a matter of the heart, perhaps too objective. Tap in to what’s going on deep inside as well as what makes the most sense. A friend can help you access your inner feelings.
If your honey brings a new idea to you today, be sure to respond with a lot of enthusiasm. They will be excited to share it with you, and your encouragement will mean a lot to them.
Someone with a less than innocent agenda is hoping to slip something past you. Look over even simple interactions as if they were complex business deals. No details should be left ignored.