Pisces Daily Forecast

If a loved one happens to bring up an uncomfortable topic, you won’t shy away from it, but they’ll be sorry they didn’t let it lie right where it was. It’s all about love, love, love for you. You’re the current astrological equivalent of a magnet. In short, there will be no refusing you (as if there ever was) and no possibility of winning an argument. It’s only fair that you warn your opponents first.
Interactions might be bumpy for much of the day. It’s a good time to put love-related communication on hold, particularly since by this evening you’re extra articulate and rather cool.
There may be a battle of wills brewing, but you’ll almost certainly win if you want. That doesn’t mean you should. In fact, you might be better off forestalling it and calling a truce.
Consider your wallet. If you’re used to putting on a big spread this time of year, it’s time to have a heart to heart with your partner. True value is not something that you can buy in the store anyway.