Daily Forecast Pisces 03-23


Pisces Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

Money might make the world go around, but today it won’t have much effect on your personal world. You’re too busy enjoying the beauty of the people, places, and things around you to even think about shopping or paying bills. This is one of those increasingly rare days when all you’re really looking for is a comfy chair to sit in and an intelligent, interesting person to chat with. You will find both when you meet up with a friend.

Singles Lovescope

Just when you’re developing a sense of true understanding, something or someone comes along that completely changes the picture. It’s unsettling for your heart, but wait until you see what comes into focus now.

Couple Lovescope

If you’re upset, say something. Why hold in all those emotions and torment yourself? After all, you’re not the only one in this relationship. Work it out together. That’s your best option.


If none of your friends seems particularly compassionate, it’s because they’re in the same boat. At least you don’t have to go solo through the turbulence, if that’s any consolation.


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