Daily Forecast Pisces 06-24


Pisces Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

You could be practically hypnotized today. Someone close to you has all the right moves and is dead set on getting your full attention. You have no problem being an appreciative audience, but make sure you speak up if their antics start to get out of hand. The line between appreciative and captive audience can be very thin!

Singles Lovescope

Romance is ripe for the picking. All you have to do is find a tree you like and bring along your bucket. Collect smiles, phone numbers, kisses, whatever!

Couple Lovescope

Before you start telling your certain someone all about it, consider whether it’s actually clear in your own mind. Maybe a little more time will let the dust settle and let you convey the situation more meaningfully.


It’s not what you spend, it’s how you spend it. Do you spend money to get attention from others or to satisfy an emptiness inside you or for some other superficial reason? If so, it’s money squandered. Find another way to feel whole.



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