Pisces Daily Forecast

Sharper than ever, your vision will be able to show you what changes you need to make today. Don’t worry about having the energy you need to see them through. Right now you’re full of enough energy to do whatever you need to do. Chances are good that things won’t be as dramatic or cutthroat as you fear. As long as you have conviction in what you’re doing, you’ll be fine. Bravado counts, so put more energy into displaying your confidence to others.
It’s hard to be hot if you’re not feeling the heat yourself. Aim for an appropriate balance between rest, nutrition, work, play, and getting yourself moving. Burning the candle at both ends just leaves you burned out.
Something as mundane as taking the car in for an oil change turns into a rollicking good time when the two of you are involved. If a rug gets pulled out from under you, you know how to turn it into a dance.
There are many things about you that could be influenced by the opinions of those around you, but your basic ideals remain the same. Someone is trying to get you to change something financial and it’s not morally acceptable to you. Hold your ground on this one.