Daily Forecast Sagittarius 04-02


Sagittarius Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

You could see someone you’ve known very well for a very long time in a whole new light today, and believe it or not, they’re starting to see you in a new light, too! You might be ready to start something with them, but if you’re not quite ready to take things in a new direction, don’t worry that putting on the brakes will send the wrong message. This person respects and trusts you. There’s no rush. You have all the time in the world.

Singles Lovescope

With your strong sense of self, you don’t have to worry about losing your identity in a relationship. But you can still let someone into your life. Be open to new ideas and experiences.

Couple Lovescope

Are you feeling uncertain about what to do next? Good! Certainty equals finality, and you’re not ready to see the end of this situation yet. Toss around a few possibilities with your partner about what comes next.


Things may look bleak on the surface, but take comfort in looking deeply at the issues. If you’re not in any hurry to sell, then today’s numbers should activate intuition, not panic.



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