Sagittarius Daily Forecast
It’s far too easy right now to be bamboozled by someone’s personal style, so try to make sure it doesn’t hit you where you live. Be especially vigilant if some enticing offer includes a large investment on your part. You weren’t born yesterday, so you ought to be able to ignore any pressure and make up your own mind on your own time, preferably after lots of research.
When you talk to this person, keep it light. No need for sob stories or gruesome details. This relationship’s about fun. Heavy conversation will turn them off, and a few giggles will do you good.
Manifest what you need in this relationship by identifying your true desires rather than what you think you should want. Once you’ve clarified your needs, you can start looking for ways to make them happen.
Being self-centered is actually rarely in your best interest, but never less so than now. Limber up your compassion and interest in others while there’s still a bit of time to make it matter. If you just can’t make yourself do it, then fake it.