Sagittarius Daily Forecast

Your eye for detail will help you notice things no one else pays attention to today. Hold on to these little revelations until a time when they’ll be more useful to you. Your mouth, however, is another story. Don’t be surprised if you accidently divulge classified info today. It was just a slip! The best move after a boo-boo like this is to smile and offer a heartfelt apology. You have the tact and charm necessary to get anyone on your good side.
Everyone is capable of a blunder or two, even you, so cut your peeps some slack. The best way to help others today is to allow them to make mistakes. When you take your friends and lovers off the pedestal you placed them on, it’s easier to see their humanity.
You’ve been running yourself ragged, so take extra care of your health over the next few days. Take your vitamins and get plenty of sleep. You don’t want anything to get in the way of fun times with your partner.
Trying to settle an old balance due you is futile. It’s like trying to get blood from a stone. If ever there was a time to wipe the slate clean, this is it. Do it mentally, too.