Sagittarius Daily Forecast

After a few days of surprises, flash fires, or confusing conversations, get ready for things to get quiet and slow down (way down). In fact, the abrupt halt to the hectic pace of your life might be so startling that you find yourself longing for a little more chaos. To stem the feeling, give yourself a few hours to get used to having less to do. You’ll soon find that it’s easy to enjoy! You can’t run on full speed all the time. Embrace this pleasant break in your week.
Organizing your feelings may feel alien, but when has that ever stopped you? The source of a certain feeling may not be obvious at first, but with a little thought you can locate it.
Feeling punch-drunk, dreamy, or giggly? How about all three? Fortunately, your partner loves these giddy moods of yours. Just make sure you have some perspective so you’re not totally at the mercy of your emotions.
The universe has a hidden agenda, but that’s nothing new. What is, is that you can’t even feel its undercurrents. With not much to go on, you might as well just hold still for a while. Your big plans can wait.