Sagittarius Daily Forecast

You are totally ready to make a significant change in your routine, but is everyone else around you as ready as you are? This should be a consideration but not a requirement. It’s wise to mindful of the fallout that could transpire due to a major transition in your life, because it could help you make choices early on that make things easier for other people. But in the end you have to do what you have to do. You can’t let other people’s discomfort rule your choices.
Some mutable energy is in the air, and it demands that you start the day in a grounded place. It’s too easy to get all carried away today, but it’s better for you to keep your feet planted on terra firma.
Keep everything short and sweet with your partner during the day. Send a funny little text message or leave a loving voicemail. Tonight, make time to talk about a recent change or a current concern.
You long for something familiar and safe early in the day. Take the emotion literally. Going home for lunch may be all you need to have a productive and profitable afternoon.