Sagittarius Daily Forecast

Sure, the details of your life can be a bit boring sometimes, but you definitely need to get a handle on them unless you want missed connections, misunderstood remarks, and monumental frustration. Spend some of your time sifting through your priorities and options. The more you plan and organize, the more time you’ll have later to relax and enjoy yourself! Lay all the groundwork today so you can fully enjoy yourself tomorrow.
Information is power — so how can you get more romantic data coming your way? Put your feelers out, run that hottie’s name through a search engine and ask lots of subtle questions.
Have you been sitting on a perfectly good idea that you’re afraid is too much for your partner? Now is the time to suggest it. You’ll be pleasantly surprised by their reaction.
Cash, it’s such a charming thing. It’s easy to understand why so many people have an emotional attachment to it. But rise above your companions and admit it’s only good for material things. Then come back down to earth.