Sagittarius Daily Forecast
Soon you’ll start to move into a more inward time, when reflecting on where you want to go, what you want to do, and who you want to meet feels too important to ignore. Before that mood overcomes you, use today to get busywork out of the way. Run any errands, make those important phone calls, and organize your life so you have more flexible time. Prepare yourself for a quieter phase of thinking and contemplation.
Going with the flow when it comes to romance is one thing, but being wishy-washy is another. Make up your mind, and let them know where you stand. You’ll feel way better once you do.
It’s hard to get anything done today, when you keep lapsing into daydreams about your beloved. Try to keep your focus until the project is done. When you’re finished, you can make those daydreams into reality!
If you think being thrifty is a phase, think again. You’ve lost your taste for big spending, even if you can swing the budget for it. Finances have once again changed your whole way of thinking about life.