Sagittarius Daily Forecast

An odd but powerful surge of childhood energy could be present throughout the day, and it could affect you or the people around you. Be prepared for some adult-size tantrums and silly pouting. Someone you know quite well is going to get very moody if they don’t get what they want – will it be you? Revisiting your past childish techniques won’t get you very far today, but it might be kind of fun. Try to just go with the flow and not take anything too seriously.
Expect a few ups and downs today — you’re reacting quite strongly to your environment, as well as what’s happening in your own heart. By later tonight, though, you should get some important perspective on it all.
Add a bit of adventure to your love life today. Instead of doing things the same old way, make a game of it. When you and your partner make the rules, there are no limits.
Some days it feels like you have two heads and they are definitely not better than one. You just can’t choose between two radically different courses of action. Before implementing either of your plans, you’ll need to let your polar opposites learn to work together.