Sagittarius Daily Forecast
Indecision may not be your usual state of being, but you can definitely make it look good on you. Spin it as an impulsive, exciting mindset in which anything goes, the odder and newer the better. Those around you will doubtlessly find it noteworthy and even thrilling when you start to diverge from your preset itinerary. And if they go along for the ride, well, they might be surprised by what you have to say.
Tempted to date someone who didn’t work out before? Think again. Try asking your friends if they know of anyone who’s available. You might strike gold.
Your parents (or your partner’s parents) could check in with you at some point, so see if you can find a way to beat them to the punch. It shouldn’t be anything huge, but your attention will be important.
You might feel like spending the day on yourself, but the best way to put yourself first is to protect your assets. In this case, it means old fashioned work. Yes, you need the money, so go to it.