Scorpio Daily Forecast

Still chatting away? Dashing around and having fun? Bet you are. The good news is that it’s officially time to play. Now you can do it with a clear conscience. Get yourself dressed, get out there and enjoy the company of dear ones you haven’t seen in far too long. With the heavens as full as they are of spontaneous, impetuous energies, you’d better not take the night off. What if you missed something?
When will you learn that doing it all alone won’t get you anywhere. Your pals, even if they’re married, can hook you up with hotties galore. So swallow your pride and ask. Six degrees of separation is better than complete unfamiliarity.
It’s your nature to be nurturing. Whether it’s giving back rubs or cooking a favorite meal, you know just what to do to make someone feel special. Your partner is lucky to be the recipient of your loving care.
You need to change your habits with the times. Adjust now, before it’s too late. Once your credit card is to the limit, learning how to cut corners will be beside the point, for you and your creditors.