Scorpio Daily Forecast

By surrounding yourself with people who are more grounded than you are right now, you’ll slowly become much more grounded yourself. Today, try to reach out to people who are always cool, calm, and collected even in the midst of chaos. These are the people who can teach you how to eliminate the extraneous from your life, as well as how to see things as they truly are. Just picking their brains could teach you all you need to know.
You get so giddy when thinking of a certain person that your head seems permanently stuck in the clouds. Just make sure that your feet are firmly planted on the ground and all will go very well.
If you find yourself mounting your high horse in a quarrel with your lover, why not just end the battle and skip the pony show altogether? Ask yourself if this is really worth arguing about.
You’re not sure which is worse: Upheaval or slow, nagging doubt. You’re so tied in knots that you simply can’t make any decisions at all today. That’s just as well, because you just can’t pick a winner anyway.