Scorpio Daily Forecast

When it comes to the pleasure principle, you definitely don’t need any encouragement in going after what you want, especially right now. The stars present an array of earthly delights that will definitely tempt you into the furthest reaches of indulgence. How far should you go? How much is too much? What a dilemma! Your loved ones have plenty of advice, but in the end you have to rely on your own counsel. Don’t worry. You have the final answer.
When it comes to self-evaluation, try to take a gentler approach. You can be very critical of yourself, but the rest of the world sees you as pretty wonderful. Here’s a hint: the rest of the world is right!
Put your imagination to use in the service of love. Dream up new ideas to share and activities to explore, and you’ll make your fantasies come true.
Your pride is your guiding star today. It won’t let you or your ego get too far into the muck. The minute you see the bubbling mud, it’s time to find a different approach to the task at hand. There are many, so be adaptable.