Daily Forecast Taurus 01-05


Taurus Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

You’ve just broken out of a metaphorical cell of some kind. It sure wasn’t easy, but now that you’ve decided to stay out here in the sunshine, you don’t take kindly to anyone who tries to drive you back. Those trying to provoke guilt are special targets of your wrath, so let them have it. Better still, confront their manipulators and straighten them out. You might be able to reach a compromise, or a cease-fire, at the very least.

Singles Lovescope

You might want to cancel any plans. Alone time is likely to be extremely fulfilling. Clean the house, catch up on your reading, or do whatever else you feel like doing.

Couple Lovescope

It takes guts to be honest in a relationship, but you have what it takes to tell the truth both to yourself and to your partner. Once you get clear about your needs, the universe can help you fulfill them.


You’re hashing out your next approach to making money. Should it be with ideas and information or more tangible matters? There’s just no way to figure it out from where you stand. Your best bet is flipping a coin.



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