Taurus Daily Forecast

You’re trying to decide whether to listen to your gut or ask for advice from a professional you’ve always trusted. If you don’t feel comfortable with their counsel once it’s delivered, however, what about just talking things over with your very best friend? They care deeply about you, they’d never tell you to do anything they wouldn’t do, and they know you well enough to know what’s possible and what’s not. Consider it your best option. Give them a call.
Follow your first impulse when it comes to romance today. Take the first step and try to make something great happen on your own terms. Waiting for the best moment to make your move just frustrates you.
You see more than you can discuss. Your partner is dying for the inside scoop, but your conscience won’t let you gab. Good for you! You know how to stay on the right side of the line between gossip and conversation.
Thoughts of decadence and over indulgence are slowly fading away. Or are they being overshadowed by more practical concerns? Either way, you’ll feel some relief as their memory fades.