Virgo Daily Forecast
You can oblige people today if you must, but don’t be an out-and-out doormat. Make sure your opinions are clear. They need to know where you stand. You can go along with the group plans, and it might be in your best interests to do so right now, but that doesn’t mean you should keep quiet about how you would do things differently.
New romantic projects might not be so easy for you for the time being. There’s some weird energy out there, and mistakes are likely. Move forward on your path toward love with caution!
Do you find yourself making excuses over and over again for why you can’t tackle this task? Your partner’s wondering what’s going on, and so are you. A friend plays a key role and sheds some light on this.
Good feelings come out of the blue. If your finances have been dragging you down, what cheers you up has nothing to do with money. Enjoy the unexpected.