Virgo Daily Forecast

You and someone important need to have a serious talk, and fast. You know it and they know it. The good news is that you can both arrange it, no matter how last-minute the requests. If you choose just the right moment, turn on the charm and ask nicely. There isn’t any bad news. You may have some hoops to jump through when you get back, but you’ll be in such a good mood that it won’t matter.
If you’re looking for a chance meeting to blossom into something wonderful, don’t be shy — your energy favors staking the initiative today. Just relax, be yourself and tell people what’s on your mind.
You’ll be at your best one-on-one today. There’s a time and place for big groups, but this is the time to focus your attention on you know who.
You have weathered a nasty storm with your pride intact. That alone should have you considering yourself in the black, and it doesn’t even take your abundant integrity into account. It’s a good day to take a look at your internal, not external, status.