Virgo Daily Forecast
The spirit of compromise is alive and well with you as its representative right now. You realize that cooperating is both more efficient and more fun than competing at the moment, and you’re building alliances that will prove mighty useful down the road. Any kind of conflict just seems to dissipate in your presence, because you diplomatically create a completely different kind of atmosphere in which all points of view are valid ones.
Just because someone is being demanding doesn’t mean you have to give in. If a friend or romantic prospect wants more face-time, attention or energy, decide what you can reasonably give and don’t cross the line.
Trust the process instead of looking to the goal. In a successful relationship, is there ever really a final goal? One hopes not! It helps if you stop comparing yourselves to other people.
If you have no more stamina for the days ahead, you could let yourself off the hook and call it a day. But with the slightest bit of motivation, you could stick it out and make a profit. Your choice.