Virgo Daily Forecast
This day could be centered around your relationships, specifically the people who have helped you the most. As for those fair-weather friends, they will show their true colors soon. There is a realignment going on in your social circle, and it’s going to become evident very quickly that certain people don’t treat you as well as you treat them. Some friendships aren’t meant to last, and that’s okay. Just be sure you’re not spending too much energy on them.
Dig down deep inside and you’ll find the strength you need to make the changes you want. You’ve always been able to rely on yourself, and today is no exception. Stay brave and you’ll stay happy.
Just because you’re used to getting things done solo, doesn’t mean you’re not allowed to ask someone special for a little help now and then. Your partner will be happy to assist.
Someone you have grown to think of as your right arm is becoming a thorn in your side. Every partnership has its rocky moments, so don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater. Put up with the barbs until things smooth out again.