Virgo Daily Forecast

It’s time to play. Of course, some responsibilities you can’t get out of, but there’s no reason you can’t have fun while you’re at it, right? Life is too short to be miserable, and if you really think about it, you have very little to be upset about right now! Make every minute count and don’t forget to laugh!
Your love life’s a bit deranged right now. As the mind demands one thing, the heart revolts with another. And you’re caught in the middle. Force your emotions into submission so you can think rationally. You’ll find the answer.
Getting by is great, but getting ahead is even better. You have energy to spare right now, so grab your partner and start moving on some projects or discussions that could really use your attention.
When it comes time to dig in, dig deep. There is no holding back today, nor should there be. That goes for everything from feeling to eating, and everything in between (except spending).