Aquarius Daily Forecast

A huge amount of positive energy will be circling all around you today, which is sure to put you in a good frame of mind to deal with some surprising news. You might not like what you hear, but you’ll be smart enough and grounded enough not to sound the alarm right away. Respect the choices they’re making, and wait a while to see how things proceed before voicing your concerns. You run the risk of coming off as someone who thinks they know better than everyone else.
Expect a positive outcome for almost anything you do today. If there’s someone you’ve been wanting to ask out, now is the best time to go for it! They’ll be glad you did!
Friends and family can always rely on you. There isn’t a loved one you haven’t helped in some way. But don’t let these acts of goodwill spread you too thin.
Shopping is the last thing you should be doing right now. You need to save, right down to the very last penny. That the spree you have in mind would set you back by a year is a conservative estimate. Don’t go.