Aquarius Daily Forecast

You’ve been looking around your place lately and wondering if it’s really where you want to be and how you want it to look. If you’re not sure, you have options. You can seek out a realtor, start flipping through listings to find something that’s a bit more suited to your tastes, or, on the less radical side, set yourself a budget, grab some color chips, hit the flea markets, and create a new home right where you are now. Take your time deciding, though.
Flirty behavior can be ambiguous. While you think laughing and winking will be interpreted as being sexually interested in someone, the other person could miss the hint altogether. Instead of relying on hints, perhaps the direct approach will get you farther.
Give your partner the opportunity to pitch in on a project that’s too big for you to handle alone. This teamwork can help alleviate any tension that’s been negatively affecting your relationship.
If tidying up is your one big achievement of the day, so be it. Don’t look at it as if it has no value. Being organized is the bare minimum of what you need to navigate your way through the storm.