Aries Daily Forecast

A former romantic partner might reappear on the scene, and the feelings they stir up won’t be the ones you were expecting. They’ve taken the initiative to get back into your life, and there could be a very significant reason for it. Aren’t you curious to know what that is? Give them some but not all of your time. Make it clear that you have boundaries that you have no intention of crossing for them, at least not yet.
Be the early bird. Time management is key today. Get to work on that project first thing before other activities fill up your schedule. You’ll be amazed by how quickly the additional time goes by.
The answers you seek are out there, although they may be hidden right now. Let your partner know what you’re looking to find. They may have another approach to solving the puzzle.
Nothing about your financial routine feels normal. Your checkbook is right where it belongs but the balance is not what it should be; your wallet is where it always is but you can’t find the right credit card hiding in it. Be sure to check on things that sneak up on you quietly, like changing due dates or minimum payments.