Cancer Daily Forecast

Being diplomatic is nice, and it’s good to be a team player, but today you should feel free to take control. Act solely with your best interests in mind. At work, a lot of meaningless chitchat is causing everything to spin in circles, so step up and tell everyone what you think the best move would be. Everyone else will be grateful that you stepped in. In your personal life, use this self-assuredness to bring up sensitive issues and get them out of the way.
Take a real break today and get outside, experiencing all there is to see. Tonight, do something comforting. TV in your pajamas?
Inspiration comes from new ideas and fresh exploration now, so why not find something wholly different for the two of you to do? Whatever gets your mind and/or heart rate going moves you forward together.
You have plenty to do and there’s no getting out of any of it. You might as well resign yourself to a day of toil. But you can do yourself one better and have some fun while you’re at it. It’s not as much of a mind game as you think.