Taurus Daily Forecast

Tempers could be flaring today, including yours. The plans you’d put together aren’t working out the way you hoped, and now it looks like today is going to be all about putting out fires. The good news is that you have a strong sense of what you want, so it will be just a matter of figuring out how to get there. Make as few compromises as possible. If you let other people drive things in a direction you’re not totally comfortable with, you will regret it.
Patience is hard to come by when dealing with your love life today. Can you try to wait it out? Letting things unfold naturally or letting them come to you is the best way to go for now.
You and your partner are phenomenal. Just how are you able to do everything you do and not keel over in exhaustion? Share your secrets with those who ask.
Bills are weighing on you and their heft is beyond comprehension. That you’re more upset than the situation warrants is no real consolation to you, either. The stress is your best motivator. Keep on skimping and saving until you have come out from under that heavy boulder on your shoulders.