Libra Daily Forecast

Family matters could be tricky, but that won’t keep you from getting involved and possibly being able to solve something that’s been ignored for far too long. This ability to mediate comes to you courtesy of the Universe sensitizing you in the department of house, home, and family. You’re equipped to talk anyone into anything at the moment. Why not use it to help heal an age-old wound? At least one. You know you want to.
You might think someone is into you, but you’re just not sure. It’s hard to read them now, and the signs are more than a bit hazy. Give it a few more days and clarity is sure to be restored.
You and your partner both have things you want, and right now your desires are not matching up. Consider making a small sacrifice to let your partner get what they want.
The most amazing things are happening all around you. Altruism is just the tip of the iceberg. People care about each other in ways you either never imagined or just never noticed. Consider it one of your new blessings to count.