Scorpio Daily Forecast

Having control is not in the cards for you right now, so the sooner you let go of some power the better. In your personal relationships, you need to give people a little bit of breathing room. The extra oxygen will help things grow in a very productive direction. A restless feeling could come over you, and if you want to work it out, you need to devote some time to something you really enjoy like a hobby or physical activity that brings you a lot of pleasure.
Take today’s romantic business to a new level instead of starting something new. Perfect your look instead of trying something different. Keep chatting with your latest crush instead of checking out new profiles.
Your partner may gush over your looks or some recent achievement, and it’ll be hard to disagree. You’re feeling good about who you are and who you’re with, so enjoy the energy.
You can’t be severe and Spartan seven days a week. Or can you? Well, you can cut out the somber aspect without losing any of the austerity if you work at it a bit. In other words, learn to have fun only on the cheap.