Virgo Daily Forecast

Share your thoughts with someone who has frustrated you a lot lately, and see how they react to what you have to say. Total honesty is required if you want to do this right, so don’t be afraid to fully disclose how you’re feeling about them or about what they did. The sooner you do it, the sooner you’ll know what’s next for the two of you. Now is not the time to pull any punches. You don’t have to be confrontational; you just have to be firm.
Your funny, quirky, and lovely sensibility knows how to appreciate what’s off the beaten track, especially when it comes to romance. Expect the best. The stars say a small gesture will win your heart.
Romance is more important than social events right now. Grab any extra time you can find to spend with each other and have fun. Don’t fuss.
The last thing you want is to be alone. If you’re single, that means you need to stick your neck out to find some company. But even if you’re seriously involved, you may find yourself left to your own devices. Inviting others to socialize over a good meal is in order, as long as you stick to your budget.