Gemini Daily Forecast

If it feels like the professional pressure is mounting, you need to turn your attention to getting the job done. That proves that you mean what you say and also that you have the chops to back it up. Keep your eyes open and focused, and avoid all distractions (including all the drama your colleagues are dreaming up right now). You know exactly what’s necessary.
Your schedule is full, as is your crush’s. It’s going to take some work to get you in the same place at the same time. A little creative rearranging is in order. Once you sync schedules, you’ll find you’re in sync in other ways.
A solid foundation doesn’t just magically appear in a partnership. It has to be built. And it’s the day-to-day stuff that gets the building done. Your smallest interactions are the bricks.
You’ve never considered yourself particularly intelligent, even though you weren’t exactly the class clown in your day. Someone begs to differ. Your money smarts are quite impressive, and an admirer’s awe might just change your opinion of yourself.