Daily Forecast Virgo 02-06


Virgo Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

You’re well known (and much loved) for your bluntness, honesty, and openness under most circumstances, but you’re just about to encounter a situation that could be tricky at best for the rest of us. If you’re about to surprise yourself, you can just imagine how others are going to feel, especially those who aren’t as sturdy as you. Lend a hand if you can.

Singles Lovescope

All that initial attraction might just be an excess of friction. This person amuses you right now, but the situation isn’t necessarily built for the long run. Go ahead and enjoy yourself, but don’t invest too much.

Couple Lovescope

If you’re feeling a little lost, don’t despair. Your partner will probably know what to do. You might not be able to isolate what’s going on, so start asking questions until you understand each other.


You need something completely different from yesterday. Make it like night and day. Art, freedom, time with friends come to mind. If you can’t fit those in, settle for plenty of sighing.


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