Sagittarius Daily Forecast
You’ve been dispensing excellent advice lately and you should admit to yourself that you’ve played a key role in other people’s success. You’ve also been doing a wonderful job of walking the line between helping people find their own answers and telling them what the answers are. Everyone must arrive at conclusions on their own schedule, as slow as it may feel. You will arrive at quite a large conclusion today, and it could greatly affect your future earning potential.
Don’t be afraid to shake things up. Rather than eating cold cereal for breakfast, leave early and treat yourself to something hot. Then just let the day unfold — your romantic energy should fire up later on!
You have so many thoughts that your tongue is practically tied in knots from trying to explain them all. Your partner wants you to focus, but you’re having much more fun playing with the possibilities.
Don’t let your obligations overwhelm you. It’s a lot easier to tackle everything on your list when you remind yourself of your real priorities. Money is a vehicle, not a destination, so don’t let it stress you out.