Sagittarius Daily Forecast
You’re in a restless mood, and no matter where you are, there’s someplace else you’d rather be. While you might ordinarily be able to distract yourself until you can find a practical way to get out, you’re unwilling to waste a moment now. Cut to the chase. Announce to one and all that you’ve got someplace to be and get yourself there. It’s time for the next step on your journey.
Don’t let nerves ruin the things you want to do. If you really have your heart set on participating in a class or workshop, go for it. Anxieties about meeting new people shouldn’t stop you from living life to the fullest.
Feel like you’re bearing the weight of some heavy emotions? Some of them you want to talk about with your partner, but others you may need to deal with on your own and in your own special way.
You don’t have an available second in your day to sit around and shoot the breeze. There’s plenty of time for reminiscing in the coming days. For now, continue thinking that time is money, because it is.