Aquarius Daily Forecast
Your practical side has had too much control over your decision-making lately, and it’s time for you to stop deliberating every single decision in such an analytical way. Life requires some leaps of faith, some risks, and a little bit of luck if it’s going to stay interesting. Try to let go. Try not to control every single element of your day. Let other people make some decisions, and trust that everything will still be okay. Because it will. You’re taking on too much responsibility. It’s time to step back.
It’s okay if you don’t feel like taking the world by storm today. It’s okay if all you want to do is stay by yourself and not go into the world at all.
If your partner seems to need some help, be willing to put aside a project of your own. You’ll get your turn later (and it will arrive sooner than you think).
It’s a good day to wrap things up, not start them. Be methodical about closing shop. If that means helping others finish, then do it selflessly.