Daily Forecast Aquarius 01-25


Aquarius Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

Take a second look at recent events and you’ll finally be able to see them for what they are. A little distance plus time can give you clarity. It’s not easy to be honest with yourself about the mistakes you’ve made in the past, but it’s the best way to grow. If in retrospect you see that you said or did something you regret, make amends today and apologize if necessary. Pretending everything is fine will only build walls between you and people you care about.

Singles Lovescope

An old flame wants to rekindle that spark, but you know they can’t hold a candle to your present, and with good reason. What’s past is past. How could it possibly compare to all that you have going on right now?

Couple Lovescope

When unexpected cash comes your way, don’t let the extra dough slip through your fingers by buying presents for your partner. Take care of your own finances first.


You’re either the snake charmer, a member of the audience or the snake. Whichever role you play, charm is a major part of your finances today. It’s a pleasant experience for everyone involved, so ham it up.


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