Aquarius Daily Forecast

Just when you think you’re losing out on a great opportunity today, you’ll remember something key at the last minute that saves the situation. Today offers yet more examples of how your good memory is something you should cherish! So much so, in fact, that you might want to investigate ways to maintain or improve it even further. It will be a useful tool for you again later today when a friend is trying to find the perfect gift for someone you both know.
Today is a good day to get what you want, so start making some friendly demands. Ask that one person you’ve been admiring on a date. Persuade a pal to help you with a big project. Get the most out of your requests.
You’ve come a long way together, and now is a good time to toast the past and look forward to the future. You have enough energy for both of you if your partner doesn’t start the day sharing your mood.
The spotlight is on you — and you and you and you. You’ll wish you could be in more than one place at once because your presence is needed everywhere. Unless you find your double soon, you’ll be caught at least a day late and a dollar short.