Aquarius Daily Forecast

It’s far too easy for you to criticize the way you look, but it accomplishes nothing — and the criticisms you voice probably aren’t true, anyway. Try to stop seeing flaws that aren’t there and grasp only what’s real, but not quite as tangible as what you see in the mirror. Check your finer spiritual qualities and your physical qualities will soon line up with them. So start to see how beautiful you are where it counts.
Don’t be shy about asking for help from friends in high places, particularly if they can help you in your quest for romance. If you know someone who wants to set you up, take them up on it!
You and your darling are having a discussion, but you’re approaching it from different perspectives. Are you working with logic and intellect while they’re trying to deal with emotions? Get straight about that first.
If you’ve ever been on a diet, you know that extra calories can be hidden in the details. That’s where you have to look if you want to cut the fat out of your current budget. Don’t be taken in by the larger picture.