Aries Daily Forecast

It’s time to let the world know exactly what you want from it. What you’re after now is intensity, passion, excitement and enthusiasm. Quite the list! And you won’t settle for anything less than all of it. Of course, you won’t have to. You’ve got more than enough energy and high-octane oomph to talk anyone into anything at all. Get out there with your brand-new attitude and show ’em who’s boss!
Show off a bit more of your feelings than you normally would today. Even if you’re just complimenting a colleague or talking up your appreciation of the world around you, it’s great for your karma.
Ah, the thrill of a relationship! You and your partner are suddenly acting like you’ve just met. If you have just met, you’re experiencing that magical click of connection that feels eternal. Enjoy.
If you’ve felt like you were being punished for your arrogance, you may or may not be right. You’ll never really know. But what’s obvious is your new-found tolerance of others. That’s more valuable than all the money you’ve lost or could possibly have.