Aries Daily Forecast

Friends can be good for more than fun and games. They can be the greatest therapists you will ever meet! You can trust them with your feelings, and you should! Just remember that you can’t get defensive when they offer you their honest feedback. You have to be open to hearing their opinions and advice. You don’t have to follow it, of course. But you should hear them out in order to get a better understanding of how what they’re saying could help you.
If you feel like taking the initiative — by introducing yourself and saying hello, asking someone out or just asking them how they feel — now is the time to go for it. Set some wheels in motion!
The stars stimulate your capacity for hard work and organization, especially when it comes to your emotional life. You learn to tell the difference between yours, mine, and ours, which clears up so much.
You know it’s wrong, and yet you can’t help but think about all the things you’d love to buy yourself. But don’t be fooled, these temptations are nothing compared to how much you want to spend on others. You’re not even torn, just indulging in a bit of fantasy.