Aries Daily Forecast

The demands that are being placed on you at the moment could begin to seem overwhelming. Between social obligations, family stuff, work, and all sorts of little errands, this day might not be the easiest one. And feeling personally put upon like this when everyone else seems to be enjoying themselves can be hard. Maybe the most important demand you should make is that you give yourself a break.
Right now, you don’t have to seek out dates. You practically trip over them, possibly in a literal fashion. Happy accidents provide you with all the romantic opportunity you need these days.
You’re mighty persuasive now if you just give it a try. Instead of pushing your agenda with your partner, present it as an amazing option and with a good dose of charm. Chances are good that they’ll go for it.
There is nothing routine about your day. Don’t let yourself get tricked by visiting fools — they’re only trying to agitate anyone who will bite. Toss them some gummy worms and let them do the biting instead.