Aries Daily Forecast
If you’re feeling restricted in some way, remember that you have control over your destiny. No one else does, no matter how influential they might be. Freedom isn’t something that someone can give to you; it’s something you have to take for yourself. In terms of a relationship, it might be time to get your distance from someone who isn’t exactly bringing out the best in you. You will be all right by yourself. Don’t worry.
Your emotions run deep, so take advantage of this time and use it to clarify what you’re looking for. What you want is important, but don’t forget to think about what you need.
You look to your partner to share your humorous perspective, but right now they may be perceiving things in a more serious way. Talk about your varying viewpoints. You’re good at that!
You can’t get anyone to do business with you, no matter how hard you push or how low you go. Under conditions like these, it’s hardly worth trying, much less selling yourself cheap. Just sit on your eggs for another day.